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This page is updated as of Monday, March 3, 10:00 AM. Resources will continue to be updated as new information is released.

Resources for SoCal Fire Victims and Evacuees

If you are providing resources for Socal fire victims, evacuees and first responders, and would like to share your information here, please contact Celeste Wilson, our Government Affairs Manager at 562-435-9594 or email

Alert Long Beach

AlertLongBeach is a free emergency
notification system designed to keep
those that live or work in Long Beach
informed of important information before,
during and after a major emergency or
disaster. Alerts will be sent to subscribers
that will let them know what has
happened, what first responders are
doing and what actions you should take
to protect yourself and preserve property.

Sign up Here! with Alert Long Beach!

Alert LA County

Alert LA County is an opt-in mass notification program utilized by the County of Los Angeles that allows individuals to receive emergency alerts by text, email and/or phone call. Alert LA County has accessibility features for people with disabilities and others with access and functional needs. Once registered, add the Alert LA County telephone numbers to your contacts.

Sign Up Here for Alert LA County!

Current Cal Fire Emergency Incidents

CAL FIRE Serves and Safeguards the People and Protects the Property and Resources of California.

Click Here for Current Emergency Incidents Reports

I Need Help

Supervisor Janice Hahn launched the Business to Business Space Share program as a free exchange portal designed to provide immediate relief to businesses, displaced by the winds and wildfires by connecting them to temporary space provided by other businesses and organizations throughout LA County.

I Want to Help

Before contributing to any organizations online, verify their credibility here to avoid those taking advantage of the disaster facing Los Angeles County.

In addition to the resources listed below, Long Beach Watchdog has complied a comprehensive list of local businesses that are banding together to help victims - everything from volunteering to donations to discounts.

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